Nearby Towns


Dear guests, welcome to the "Pearl of the Lake", the city that I am lucky enough to call home. I’m selling myself for sirmionese, but I actually only got here when I was 11.

Before I lived in a small village in Mantua, on the banks of the river, surrounded by miles of fields, fog and little else. That village remains in my heart and initially it was not easy to leave everyone and move to Sirmione.

What helped me? slowly, the sun, the lake, the ducks, the beautiful people who live there have definitely made me change my mind.

As an "immigrant" I can boast of the awareness and deep gratitude of living in a place where you normally come on holiday and I will try to give you some advice, through my personal point of view.

Let’s start from the things you need to know: our beb is located in Colombare di Sirmione and is far from Sirmione, the historic center - to be clear, from the Scaliger Castle onwards - 2.6 km. To reach it you have the following alternatives:

- the car: remember that from the Castello Scaligero onwards there is a ZTL that makes the historic centre a pedestrian zone. Therefore, I advise you to try the enterprise of finding a free place in the space of free parking and, alternatively to park in the parking lot "Montebaldo" (the one with the bar).

- If you are fearless, you can walk to the spa: the walk is very nice (go to the "lakeside" section that I took some pictures of you). The total kilometers are 2.6, in 30 minutes you will reach the goal.

- There is a third alternative: the Shuttle Bus. During the summer season the town of Sirmione offers the convenient shuttle service. More buses per hour connect the center of Colombare with Sirmione and, at a cost of 1.50 € per person, you can reach in 10 minutes the Castle of Sirmione.

Once you arrive, the first thing you will find in front of you will be the Scaliger Castle.This dates back to the mid-thirteenth century, built during the Scaliger era, dynasty of the city of Verona and, think about it, is one of the most complete and best preserved castles in Italy.

It is forty-seven meters high and is surrounded by all four sides by the waters of the lake. If you want, you can access it and the view it offers really deserves the price of the ticket (Moment honesty: I, between one thing and another, I have never climbed... but I saw the photos, I assure you, it deserves!). In fact, the history of Sirmione is much older: located in a strategic position halfway between Brescia and Verona, already in Roman times it was a mansio, a place where travelers could stop.

After the bridge that makes Sirmione a peninsula and not an island, pay attention to your left; there is a small church, the Church of S. Anna. It is really pretty and is one of the three churches in the historic center of Sirmione.

After the Castle there will open two streets, one central and one that holds the right: taking the central road you will cross the streets of the center, dotted with typical shops and, mostly, ice cream parlors.

The mega ice cream of 20 and more flavors (you really) contribute, in fact, to the fame of Sirmione, which enjoys a really high number of ice cream shops.

However, if I can give you some advice, in this chaos of ice cream, what you have to try is one, and it is Gelateria Mancini "Da Gino": a guarantee. The road on the right, however, leads you to a beautiful walk that runs along the lake. My advice is to make a path "ring" taken to the one you prefer, both lead to Rome... joke, both lead to the Caves of Catullus, where you can not go, and then, on the way back, do what you have not done on the way.When I was in high school, for a few years I was driving in Sirmione and I remember starting by saying "Welcome to Grotte di Catullo, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m neither Grotte nor Catullo".

You will find the explanation by going to visit the museum of the Roman villa that takes its name today (no spoiler!). (

But, if you arrive at the Caves and they are closed or you do not want to access the museum, do not despair: it is the breathtaking view that, alone, deserves the walk you did to get there.

Small tip: if you do not like walking, during the summer the train service is active, starts from the entrance of Aquaria and drives you comfortably to the Caves. Fun for kids too! It is from this point, also that you can access the famous Jamaica Beach, the one that (let me say) is the most beautiful beach on Lake Garda.

This is a real piece of paradise, although - alas - often very crowded. So if you want to spend your day on this little beach, you can have a good time.

As I always say to my guests, Sirmione is a village that is more to visit is to walk; therefore: get lost in its streets and enjoy the thousand evocative views it offers. Pass by the Church of San Pietro in Mavino, the garden where Maria Callas walked and do not miss a little shopping: there are some very special shops.

Have fun! 😊


Desenzano is a pretty town that is 6.5 km from Villa Bremen. If you take the car, it can be reached in just over 10 minutes. But know that it is also well connected to be reached on foot: the walk is 6.5 km (go in the "lakeside" section that I explain better).

If you are on holiday in the lower Garda you can not not visit Desenzano, one of the most important and famous places of Lake Garda and a meeting point for walking, shopping or enjoying an ice cream. If you need parking, I recommend the Parking "Marathon" or the Parking "Bagatta", which takes its name from the neighboring high school, institution in which I graduated and to which I am still very fond.

From there, you can easily reach the beautiful lakeside promenade and enjoy the view of much of the lower Lake Garda. Along it all you will arrive at the old port, and the pier, which culminates with a striking lighthouse.

Cross the Venetian Bridge and enjoy the view that opens to your left: doesn’t it look like a postcard? My advice is to continue the walk by inserting one of the banns that go up to the castle: they all lead in the same direction and are really as cute, at least as steep. But do not despair, the stretch is short: in fifteen minutes - at most - you have arrived at the Castle of Desenzano. Fortification born as a defense against the barbarians, stands majestically and, given its elevated position, offers the opportunity to enjoy a truly unique view.

But did you feel like ice cream too? My favorite ice cream shop is "Vivaldi", in Piazza G. Matteotti, I recommend it! Have fun 😊

Peschiera del Garda

Peschiera del Garda is 11.2 km from the beb Villa Brema and can be reached in just over 10 minutes by car. It is a beautiful village in the lower Garda.

Start from the historic center of the town and get lost among the various alleys and ramparts, great for spending a shopping afternoon or to stop and enjoy a nice aperitif.

The Rocca is really a small jewel of architecture, dating back to the sixteenth century and is characterized by its ramparts and access doors.

From Peschiera, moreover, there is the Mincio river, an emissary of the Garda, whose path is flanked by a beautiful cycle-pedestrian path that, if it may interest you, I will tell you better in the "lakeside" section.

In short: Peschiera is all about walking and then... do not miss it! 😊


Verona is truly a jewel city, not by chance Sheakespeare has set one of his most famous "comedies": Romeo and Juliet. In fact, you can visit the house of Juliet, and the famous balcony. Tip and fun fact: when you are there, don’t be surprised if you see a lot of people in a row: tradition has it that touching the right breast of the statue of Juliet brings good luck.

You can believe it or not... I always give a touch.

But Verona is not only the city of Romeo and Juliet, it is really beautiful and has much more to offer to its tourists. Verona is a true concentration of art, history and culture, all immersed in evocative alleys and squares.

First of all, Verona is located 40 km from our beb. It is very well connected, in fact, taking the A4 motorway (direction Verona) you can reach it in about thirty minutes. It is always possible, alternatively, to take the train that with less than 5 € will lead you to Verona in 15/20 minutes, or the bus.

If you move by car, I suggest you park in one of the central car parks (I usually rely on the "Arena Parking" or the "Citadel Parking"); instead, from the train and bus station, the center can be reached on foot in about 10 minutes.

The first wonder you will encounter is the Arena. It dates back to the 1st century and hosted gladiatorial performances; even today it continues to be a great stage of important musical performances, concerts and much more.

I advise you to inform yourself about the programming of the moment: who knows if you can find something that will suit your needs (
After passing the arena, walk along Via Mazzini and feast your eyes (for me too): this is the Shopping Street.

At the end of the street, you will come out on the characteristic Piazza Erbe the oldest square in Verona, a colorful fruit and vegetable market, surrounded by medieval buildings and historical monuments.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings it offers its best.Continue your walk towards the Adige, the river that crosses and bisects the city. Enjoy the view and, if you like, walk along the Ponte Scaligero, right in front of the Castelvecchio, where you can enjoy a very special view. That’s it, the last tip is gastronomic.

Verona is a city that satisfies everyone: it is full of places where you can eat well and everything (it has recently opened Pescaria!) but my advice is to immerse yourself in the tradition.

Throw yourself in a tavern and be advised the typical dish of the day, to be accompanied strictly with something alcoholic... you are in Veneto! 😊


Our beb is about 40 km from Brescia, the capital of the province in which Sirmione is located. The city is easily reached in about 40 minutes, along the A4 motorway. Alternatively, starting from the train station of Desenzano del Garda (10 minutes drive from our beb) you can easily reach the center of Brescia in about 15 minutes (the price of the ticket is about 3€).

But why does Brescia deserve to be visited? First of all, we must admit that the favorite destination for our guests is often Verona, whose fame precedes it.

However, Brescia is also a beautiful city and deserves to be considered. I recommend you take a nice walk in the historic center (my parking reference is to Piazza Vittoria) and to cross the three famous squares.

Start, then, from Piazza Vittoria (convenient even if you arrive by metro), very characteristic for its neoclassical buildings of the fascist era: I think there are very few post offices that can boast a location of such respect! From there, you can reach Piazza Loggia, which owes its name to the homonymous Palace, seat of the City Council. You could well say that, walking just 10 steps, you arrive straight in the middle of the Renaissance, style that qualifies the majestic Palazzo Loggia, made with the famous marble of Botticino. Curiosity: this material is native to the province of Brescia, but it has also been used for other buildings well known to all of us: the Altar of the Fatherland, the White House of Washington and the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Now, heading to the opposite side of the square, I recommend you to cross the Clock Tower, along the Vicolo Beccaria, a narrow street that offers very special views. At the end you will come out in the third square, that of the Duomo. To tell the truth, in this same square Brescia hosts, one next to the other, two cathedrals - of different erasThere are the Duomo Vecchio (also called "La Rotonda"), which dates back to the 11th century, and the Duomo Nuovo, finished in 1800, is, to date, the mother church.

I add one last tip for your walk: go up to the Castle, from there the view is breathtaking, especially at sunset! If you are people who appreciate the visits to the museum, Brescia will not disappoint: you can, in fact, visit the complex of Santa Giulia (, Museum also recognized by UNESCO, given the important Lombard monuments that collects. There you will find the Roman Brixia Archaeological Park: composed of Capitolium, Roman Theatre, Republican Sanctuary and a Basilica.
Think about it: it is the largest Roman archaeological area in Northern Italy! Visiting you can admire the Vittoria Alata, a bronze statue placed in the new museum layout designed by the Spanish architect Juan Navarro Baldeweg. I have seen it and I assure you that it is worth the price of the ticket!

Often, moreover, the museum complex also hosts temporary exhibitions of international artists: do not miss them. Are you a shopper? Then a last walk along Via Zanardelli is for you. There are certainly many other things to do, for now, I have experienced these... but I keep you updated!

Gastronomic conclusion: Brescia is the mother city of Iginio Massari; do you really want to miss the opportunity to taste his delicacies? Here, no, then: Pasticceria Veneto is waiting for you in Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 8 (
Have fun 😊.


A piece of my heart belongs to Mantua. It is true, in fact, that the beb Villa Bremen is my home, but you must know that I arrived there only when I was already 11 years old. Until then, I lived in a small village, on the banks of the river, in the province of Mantua.

Even today it is a city to which I am very fond and I would advise you to visit us, because it really deserves it. From beb Villa Brema it will take about an hour by car (take the A4 motorway, towards Verona, exit at Verona north and continue on the A22 towards Modena).

I advise you to break the journey and make a stop at Borghetto, a small village at the foot of Valeggio sul Mincio where you can eat unforgettable tortellini immersed in a landscape that I would call magical. It is also accessible by bike.

Last summer I and my partner, Massimo, decided to visit Mantua and, since it was a beautiful day, we went cycling. In fact, Sirmione and Mantua are connected by a wonderful bike path that runs alongside the river Mincio, through which you can safely reach the center of Mantua. Well, it was really beautiful, but I recommend it only to those who are quite trained, since the route involves a total of over 100 km.

So why should you include this small town in your travel itinerary? Mantua rises around three lakes, on the banks of which, in the period from July to August, thousands of lotus flowers bloom. For this reason in Mantua you can admire a unique urban panorama; I add a little advice: arriving by car, enter the city crossing the Bridge of San Giorgio: it will leave you breathless.

The main visits that I absolutely recommend are to Palazzo Ducale ( and Palazzo Te (

Palazzo Ducale was the residence of the Gonzaga family from 1328 to 1707. This palace, among courtyards, gardens, rooms, offers a suggestive and really interesting visit: do not miss the famous Camera degli Sposi of Mantegna. Palazzo Te, however, is certainly what struck me the most. As I said, as a Mantuan child, this was the favorite destination for all school trips of my childhood and, even today, when I return, despite having visited him many times, he always manages to excite me.

At the beginning, Federico II Gonzaga had it built with the intention of creating a small manor house, to enjoy the tranquility of the island (and intimacy with his lover...). In 1524, Giulio Romano, a pupil of Raphael, was enthusiastic about the project and began the construction of the Palazzo Te as it stands today: "not houses of men, but houses of the Gods".

Finally, do not miss a nice walk between Piazza Sordello, the Duomo, Piazza Erbe, the beautiful Casa del Mercante, the Astronomical Clock Tower and the Palazzo della Ragione. I close with the gastronomic advice: in Mantua you eat divinely, do not miss the opportunity to taste the typical pumpkin tortelli or, alternatively, the characteristic rice with puntèl.

Have fun! 😊